Picture Practices
Transdisciplinary Studies on Materiality and Habituality of Visual Conventions
Team: Dr. Hanna Brinkmann, Mag. Rosa John, Dr. Maria Schreiber
From the perspectives of three disciplines, we aim to understand how pictures and practices are related in specific contexts: Hanna Brinkmann (Art History) analyses how different ways of perceiving art evolve from Austrian and Japanese visual cultures. Rosa John (Film and Media Studies) focuses on the question how Aavant Ggarde filmartists filmmakers make visual conventions visible by exploring their material. Maria Schreiber (Communication Studies) investigates how sociotechnical experiences constitute habitual ways of showing in personal photography. All subprojects contribute to the common goal of gaining a deeper theoretical and methodological understanding of the complex entanglement of pictures and practices by combining concepts from picture theory and praxeological approaches.